Arabian Eagle Safety , has a long-standing commitment to safeguarding the privacy of information entrusted to us. The privacy principles and procedures set forth below are intended to tell you how we collect, use, and distribute user information, This statement does not cover information collected from sources other than Arabian Eagle Safety.

Types and Uses of Personal Information
If you use this website, personally identifiable information about you may be collected and processed by Arabian Eagle Safety employees. In general, we only collect such information (such as your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and type of business) when you knowingly provide it to us. Additionally,Arabian Eagle Safety may automatically collect or process personally identifiable information (such as your internet domain or IP address) as part of the operation of this website or during the course of your activities on or use of this website. In nearly all cases this information may be collected or processed by, and transferred to, Arabian Eagle Safety facilities in the United States and in other countries where Arabian Eagle Safety does business; the information is then subject to the legal systems of those countries. By using this website (which resides in part on servers located in the United States), you unambiguously consent to our collection, processing, transfer or use of this personal information. If you do not consent to any collection, processing, transfer or use of such information, please discontinue use of this website.

Sharing with Other Arabian Eagle Safety Affiliates
We may share much of our data, including personally identifiable information about you, with our affiliates. To the extent that these entities have access to your information, they will follow privacy practices no less protective than our practices described in this document, to the extent allowed by applicable law.

Security Measures
Arabian Eagle Safety has implemented technological and operational security processes to protect your personally identifiable information from loss, misuse, alteration or unintentional destruction. While no security measure can guarantee against compromise, Arabian Eagle Safety regularly reviews and updates its security measures in an effort to provide appropriate security for all information held by Arabian Eagle Safety

Modifications to Statement
Arabian Eagle Safety reserves the right to change, modify, or update this statement at any time without notice. We indicate the date of the current statement below, so you know when it was last updated.

Access and Accuracy
Arabian Eagle Safety wants to maintain only accurate information about users of the site. You can request individual information that has been gathered about you by contacting Arabian Eagle Safety Upon receipt of appropriate identification information, Arabian Eagle Safety will provide you with access to the personally identifiable information that it maintains about your use of Arabian Eagle Safety. If you find factual inaccuracies, please notify Arabian Eagle Safety so that they may be corrected.